A Nuxt CMS like no other

Meet the headless Nuxt CMS that integrates with your app using a straightforward API. Smooth, simple, and tasty content integration — that’s Butter.

Posted on August 1, 2024

Intuitive admin interface

So easy to use. So easy to customize. You’re going to love the content you build better with ButterCMS.

Handy integration with Nuxt.js

Our Nuxt CMS has a simple content API and drop-in Nuxt SDK that makes the magic happen in minutes, not hours.

A truly zero-maintenance solution

With ButterCMS, you’ll never worry about security upgrades, hosting, or performance again.

Powerful CMS for Nuxt. Zero headache.

Drop our API-based CMS into your Nuxt app in minutes. 

ButterCMS provides a component-based CMS and content API for Nuxt and Nuxt.js apps. Use ButterCMS to enable dynamic content in your apps for page content, blogs, and anything else. Most customers get our Nuxt CMS set up in one hour or less. 

That leaves plenty of time for you and your marketing team to do what you do best: create killer apps with killer content. 

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See how Butter’s API enables you to compose flexible page layouts and easily reorder components, without a developer.

G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award

“Best CMS on the market”

headshot of Hampton Catl

After shopping the market, it was clear that ButterCMS was the perfect choice. It allows our developers to build powerful components and makes it easy for our marketing team to drive a better customer experience. Hampton Catlin Creator of Sass and Haml

Deploy our Nuxt.js starter in 30 seconds!

Or follow the below commands to clone a copy of the repo from github, install dependencies, set your free Butter token, and run your local server on localhost:8000/.

$ git clone clone https://github.com/ButterCMS/nuxtjs-starter-buttercms
$ cd nuxtjs-starter-buttercms
$ npm install
$ echo 'NUXT_ENV_BUTTER_API_TOKEN=your_free_api_token_here' >> .env
$ npm run dev

Built to make content marketing easy

ButterCMS is the best headless cms for Nuxt for a simple reason: Nuxt developers can build solutions that marketing people love. Our API allows your content gurus to quickly spin up high-converting, dynamic landing pages, SEO pages, product marketing pages, and more, all using simple drag-and-drop functionality.

  • SEO landing pages
  • Customer case studies
  • Company news & updates
  • Events + webinar pages
  • Education center
  • Location pages
  • And more...

The simplest Nuxt CMS you'll find

Our simple setup saves you time and money. Take us for a spin to see for yourself!

headshot of LUKE GARDNER

It's the epitome of plug-and-play simplicity for content creators. It does exactly what I need it to. LUKE GARDNER, CONTENT SPECIALIST, PRINTAVO

Fast integration with any Nuxt app

Our mission was to make it easy to integrate Butter with your existing Nuxt app in minutes. It’s so simple! To demonstrate, here’s a mini tutorial to give you a feel for the process of adding marketing pages to your Nuxt or Nuxt.js app.

Of course, you can also use our Collections to do advanced content modeling. For a full integration guide, check out our Official Guide for the ButterCMS Nuxt API client.

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See how easily you can integrate the ButterCMS Pages API with your Nuxt.js app.

Seamless Nuxt components

Empower your marketing team with dynamic landing pages that align perfectly with your Nuxt components. 

Components are the essential building blocks of any Nuxt app, and ButterCMS handles them with ease. 

Our drag and drop interface makes it simple to structure your content to match existing Nuxt components and to create new reusable components whenever you need them.

One Nuxt CMS with everything you need

There’s a reason so many developers are choosing a headless Nuxt CMS. It’s easy to set up, offers flexible, customizable content modeling, and gives you access to our full Nuxt API.

  • Custom page types
  • Custom content modeling
  • CDN for assets
  • Webhooks
  • Testing environment
  • Customer case studies
  • Location pages

ButterCMS saves you development time

Most customers get our Nuxt CMS up and running in less than an hour. Try it yourself!

headshot of DILLON BURNS

Simple as can be, with powerful features and great customer support. DILLON BURNS, FRONT END DEVELOPER, KEYME

How to integrate ButterCMS into your Nuxt application

Just follow the simple steps below to complete the integration and begin creating pages with Butter. Be sure to check out our full guide to creating pages using the ButterCMS Nuxt API.

First you would set up a new Customer Case Study page type in Butter and create a page. With your page defined, the ButterCMS API will return it in JSON format like this:

    "data": {
        "slug": "acme-co",
        "fields": {
            "facebook_open_graph_title": "Acme Co loves ButterCMS",
            "seo_title": "Acme Co Customer Case Study",
            "headline": "Acme Co saved 200% on Anvil costs with ButterCMS",
            "testimonial": "<p>We've been able to make anvils faster than ever before! - <em>Chief Anvil Maker</em></p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https://cdn.buttercms.com/NiA3IIP3Ssurz5eNJ15a\" alt=\"\" caption=\"false\" width=\"249\" height=\"249\" /></p>",
            "customer_logo": "https://cdn.buttercms.com/c8oSTGcwQDC5I58km5WV",

To integrate this into your app, simply make a call to ButterCMS APIs using the ButterCMS service. Place this call in the created lifecycle method in pages/index.vue:

import { butter } from '~/plugins/buttercms'
export default {
  name: 'customer-page',
  data() {
    return {
      page: {
        fields: {}
  methods: {
    getPage() {
        .retrieve('*', 'homepage')
        .then((res) => {
          this.page = res.data.data
        .catch((res) => {
  created() {

Display the result:

  <div id="customer-page">
      <img :src="page.fields.hero_image" />
    <h1>{{ page.fields.headline }}</h1>
    <button>{{ page.fields.call_to_action }}</button>

    <h3>Customers Love Us!</h3>
      v-for="logo in page.fields.customer_logos"

Get all page content of specific type. For instance, customers for the case study in pages/customers/index.vue:

import { butter } from '~/plugins/buttercms'
export default {
  name: 'customers-home',
  data() {
    return {
      page_title: 'Customers',
      // Create array to hold the pages from ButterCMS API
      pages: []
  methods: {
    // Get List of Customer Pages
    getPages() {
      butter.page.list('case_study').then((res) => {
        // console.log(res.data.data) // Check the results in the console
        this.pages = res.data.data
  created() {
    // Fire on page creation

Display the result:

  <div id="customers-home">
    <h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>
    <div v-for="(page, index) in pages" :key="index">
      <router-link :to="'/customers/' + page.slug">
          <img class="customer-image" :src="page.fields.customer_logo" alt="" />
          <h2>{{ page.fields.headline }}</h2>

Viewing specific page of a specific type could be done as shown below: customer component that displays the details of the customer in pages/customers/_slug.vue.

import { butter } from '~/plugins/buttercms'
export default {
  name: 'customer-page',
  data() {
    return {
      slug: this.$route.params.slug,
      page: {
        slug: '',
        fields: {}
  methods: {
    getPage() {
        .retrieve('case_study', this.slug)
        .then((res) => {
          // console.log(res.data.data)
          this.page = res.data.data
        .catch((res) => {
  created() {

Display the result:

  <div id="customer-page">
      <img class="customer-image" :src="page.fields.customer_logo" />
    <h1>{{ page.fields.headline }}</h1>
    <div v-html="page.fields.testimonial"></div>
    <div v-html="page.fields.body"></div>

That's it! If you browse to your homepage you'll see your homepage populated with the content you created in Butter.

Get Started for Free

How does going headless enhance Nuxt.js builds?

Here are a few ways that a headless CMS can enhance your Nuxt builds:

Enhanced reactivity with headless APIs

Nuxt's reactivity system shines in a headless setup. A Nuxt headless CMS can deliver real-time content updates through its API, ensuring that your application always displays the latest content without requiring full-page reloads. The result is a dynamic and engaging user experience.

Nitro engine meets headless for cross-platform power

The Nitro server engine in Nuxt is designed to boost performance across different platforms. When combined with a headless Nuxt.js CMS, the centralized content hub can deliver consistent content experiences on web, mobile, and other channels. 

Improved SEO potential 

Headless architectures often provide greater flexibility in managing website metadata and content structure. This, combined with Nuxt’s built-in SEO features, like local and global SEO settings, can improve your website’s search engine ranking and organic visibility. 

A desktop with the words "SEO" on it.

Customized rendering with headless freedom

Nuxt offers a unique advantage with its support for multiple rendering strategies: Universal, client-side, hybrid, and CDN edge server rendering. This flexibility, combined with a headless Nuxt.js CMS, allows you to cater to the specific needs of different applications. For example, universal rendering is ideal for SEO-focused, content-heavy sites, whereas CDN server rendering is perfect for global audiences. 

Simplified integration and maintainability with Nuxt modules

Nuxt modules simplify the integration process with the API endpoints of a headless Nuxt CMS. These modules provide ready-made solutions for common tasks, which reduces the amount of custom code you need to write. This means that your codebase stays clean and easy to maintain. 

Benefits of ButterCMS for Nuxt.js integration

ButterCMS is a cloud-based, enterprise-ready, headless CMS that mirrors many of Nuxt’s design principles and characteristics. Here’s why it’s considered the best headless CMS for Nuxt:

ButterCMS is developer-friendly, making getting started a breeze

Like Nuxt, ButterCMS is loaded with developer-friendly features, such as an API explorer, webhooks, client libraries, one-click migrations, and starter kits. This means less time is spent on setup, and more time is focused on building your headless Nuxt project.

Nuxt and ButterCMS components work well together

Both ButterCMS and Nuxt.js share a component-based philosophy. ButterCMS enables marketers to design flexible page layouts via components, perfectly aligning with Nuxt’s component system. This synergy simplifies content management and promotes a more streamlined development workflow.

High scalability for growing applications

Nuxt’s inherently scalable architecture enables your frontend application to manage large user bases and complex interactions without performance issues. Similarly, ButterCMS uses auto-scaling AWS data centers and a globally cached API to ensure that your content delivery scales effortlessly. 

Scaling with ButterCMS

Simplified content management

ButterCMS’s user-friendly interface simplifies content management. This ease of use complements Nuxt’s powerful frontend capabilities. Your content team can manage and update content without involving developers, while your Nuxt application dynamically renders the latest updates. 

A future-proof duo

By choosing ButterCMS as your headless CMS for Nuxt, you are building on a future-proof foundation. Nuxt evolves with new features and modules to stay at the forefront of frontend development. Similarly, ButterCMS is an API-first headless CMS that can integrate with virtually any external service. This flexibility ensures that your application can adapt to new technologies and requirements as they emerge.

Future of Nuxt.js within composable infrastructures

Nuxt is perfectly positioned to flourish in the evolving landscape of composable architectures and API-first development. Here are some key trends to watch out for:

Composability at its core

Nuxt.js has native support for composables, a core tenet of modern web development. This allows developers to break down UI components into reusable functions, promoting a more modular development approach. In the future, we can expect Nuxt’s support for composability to grow even stronger.

Even better performance in newer Nuxt versions

Nuxt 3 brought significant performance improvements with Nitro, like faster build times and optimized runtime performance. However, the Nuxt.js team is still actively invested in pushing the boundaries of performance. We can expect future versions of Nuxt.js to leverage the Nitro engine's foundation and introduce even more optimizations.

AI and ML integrations

The Nuxt.js ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with many modules emerging specifically for AI and ML integrations. These modules will make it easier for Nuxt developers to incorporate AI-driven features into their headless applications, like personalized recommendations and image recognition. 

Serverless and edge computing integrations

With the introduction of Nitro, Nuxt applications can be deployed to different serverless platforms and edge networks. This enables faster and more scalable content delivery and makes Nuxt.js a strong candidate for future-proof, composable infrastructures.

Try Butter free for 14 days

See for yourself what makes Butter the best Nuxt CMS out there. Click the button below to sign up for your free 14-day trial.