Crafting a Reusable Page Type to Showcase Services

Pages are a very flexible content type that allows you the flexibility to configure any set of content fields that you need to build a page (or even a section of a page). Pages can be made into Page Types where you can reuse the same page template repeatedly - perfect for things like SEO landing pages, Events Pages, News Pages, About Us Pages, etc.

Below, you will find an example of a page type that is intended to showcase the services a company might offer. You can add more components or content fields (such as a component for SEO, Hero Banner, etc.) to better fit your content and marketing needs.

Step 1: Create a component

This will serve as a template for the page you are building. In this example, we will be adding the following fields to your component:

  • Headline
  • Services Block (Repeater field)
    • Header
    • Copy
    • Icon

We chose to use a repeater in this schema to allow your content team to add as many services as they might need. A repeater field is a group of one or more content fields of any combination that can be repeated multiple times within a Page. This makes it easy for your content team to update and add content to your pages as your business offerings evolve.

You can also save this page as a page type to be used multiple times. Learn how here. 

Step 2: Create your first Services page

Now that we built out our page, let's add some content.


 To add another type of service, just click on your Services Blocks repeater:

Here's a demo video showcasing the steps illustrated above.


Pro Tip! If you are providing a large number of services, using a dropdown or a reference field to further categorize the services will help your team search content more easily. See an example here.

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