Headless CMS Localization: ButterCMS + Crowdin

Content localization is critical for businesses looking to expand globally. With the ButterCMS and Crowdin integration, businesses can automate the localization process and reduce the workload on their teams.

A Complete, Dead-Simple Guide to SEO for Static Site Generators

API-Driven CMS: A Win for Both Marketers and Developers

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Launching Your Own Ruby Gem - Part 1: Build It

Build your own Ruby gem from scratch. Learn to write a package. Organize your code to make it more readable. Contribute your code to the developer community.

Transitioning from Traditional CMS to Content as a Microservice

React SEO: How to Build Search-Friendly Pages in React

How to Quickly Spin Up Python Landing Pages with ButterCMS

Default Values and DeepL Auto-Translation Exclusion

What Is React Remix? And Should It Be Your Next Framework?

Hugo Landing Page Creation with ButterCMS: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is Serverless Architecture? A Simple, Detailed Guide

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